
in reverse chronological order


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Sławomir Solecki
    Groups without unitary representations, submeasures, and the escape property
    Mathematische Annalen 391 (2025), no. 3, 4145–4190.


  1. Till Hauser, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Entropy of group actions beyond uniform lattices
    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2024), 42 pages.
  2. Vladimir Pestov, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    On invariant means and pre-syndetic subgroups
    Topology and its Applications (2024), article 109093, 17 pages.
  3. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Group von Neumann algebras, inner amenability, and unit groups of continuous rings
    International Mathematics Research Notices (2024), no. 8, 6422–6446.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Concentration of invariant means and dynamics of chain stabilizers in continuous geometries
    Geometric and Functional Analysis 33 (2023), no. 6, 1608–1681.
  2. Maximilian Stubbemann, Tom Hanika, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Intrinsic Dimension for Large-Scale Geometric Learning
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research (2023), 18 pages.
  3. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Caterina Viola
    An application of Farkas’ lemma to finite-valued constraint satisfaction problems over infinite domains
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 517 (2023), no. 1, article 126591, 22 pages.


  1. Tom Hanika, Friedrich Martin Schneider, Gerd Stumme
    Intrinsic dimension of geometric data sets
    Tohoku Mathematical Journal 74 (2022), no. 1, 23–52.


  1. Kate Juschenko, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Skew-amenability of topological groups
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 96 (2021), no. 4, 805–851.
  2. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Sławomir Solecki
    Concentration of measure, classification of submeasures, and dynamics of L0
    Journal of Functional Analysis 280 (2021), no. 5, article 108890, 51 pages.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Andreas Thom
    The Liouville property and random walks on topological groups
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 95 (2020), no. 3, 483–513.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Equivariant dissipation in non-archimedean groups
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 234 (2019), no. 1, 281–307.
  2. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Equivariant concentration in topological groups
    Geometry & Topology 23 (2019), no. 2, 925–956.
  3. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Jens Zumbrägel
    MacWilliams’ extension theorem for infinite rings
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 147 (2019), no. 3, 947–961.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Andreas Thom
    On Følner sets in topological groups
    Compositio Mathematica 154 (2018), no. 7, 1333–1361.
  2. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    About von Neumann’s problem for locally compact groups
    Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 12 (2018), no. 4, 1531–1549.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Jens Zumbrägel
    Profinite algebras and affine boundedness
    Advances in Mathematics 305 (2017), 661–681.
  2. Vladimir Pestov, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    On amenability and groups of measurable maps
    Journal of Functional Analysis 273 (2017), no. 12, 3859–3874.
  3. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Andreas Thom
    Topological matchings and amenability
    Fundamenta Mathematicae 238 (2017), no. 2, 167–200.
  4. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    A uniform Birkhoff theorem
    Algebra Universalis 78 (2017), no. 3, 337–354.
  5. Manuel Bodirsky, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    A topological characterisation of endomorphism monoids of countable structures
    Algebra Universalis 77 (2017), no. 3, 251–269.
  6. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Daniel Borchmann
    Topological entropy of formal languages
    Semigroup Forum 94 (2017), no. 3, 556–581.
  7. Sebastian Kerkhoff, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Clones of (Continuous) Partial Cofunctions
    Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 28 (2017), no. 1, 59–79.
  8. Mike Behrisch, Sebastian Kerkhoff, Reinhard Pöschel, Friedrich Martin Schneider, Stefan Siegmund
    Dynamical systems in categories
    Applied Categorical Structures 25 (2017), no. 1, 29–57.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Jens Zumbrägel
    Every simple compact semiring is finite
    Topology and its Applications 206 (2016), 305–310.
  2. Sebastian Kerkhoff, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Dualities induced by topological semirings
    Applied Categorical Structures 24 (2016), no. 4, 315–329.


  1. Sebastian Kerkhoff, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Directed Tree Decompositions
    In: Formal Concept Analysis - 12th International Conference, ICFCA 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 10-13, 2014. Proceedings, C. Glodenau, M. Kaytoue, C. Sacarea (eds.), 80–95. Springer (2014).
  2. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Chaotic actions of locally compact Hausdorff topological groups
    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Algebra, Coalgebra and Topology, WACT 2013, Bath, UK, March 1, 2013, J. Power, C. Wingfield (eds.), 181–195. Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam (2014).
  3. Sebastian Kerkhoff, Reinhard Pöschel, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    A short introduction to clones
    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Algebra, Coalgebra and Topology, WACT 2013, Bath, UK, March 1, 2013, J. Power, C. Wingfield (eds.), 107–120. Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam (2014).


  1. Sebastian Kerkhoff, Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Clones of Partial Cofunctions
    In: 43rd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2013, Toyama, Japan, May 22-24, 2013, (eds.), 186–191. IEEE Computer Society (2013).
  2. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Sebastian Kerkhoff, Mike Behrisch, Stefan Siegmund
    Chaotic actions of topological semigroups
    Semigroup Forum 87 (2013), no. 3, 590–598.
  3. Friedrich Martin Schneider, Sebastian Kerkhoff, Mike Behrisch, Stefan Siegmund
    Locally compact groups admitting faithful strongly chaotic actions on Hausdorff spaces
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 23 (2013), no. 9, article 1350158, 8 pages.


  1. Friedrich Martin Schneider
    Weak homomorphisms between functorial algebras
    Demonstratio Mathematica 44 (2011), no. 4, 801–818.