Josefin Bernard, Friedrich Martin Schneider
Width bounds and Steinhaus property for unit groups of continuous rings
Preprint (2024), 61 pages.
We prove an algebraic decomposition theorem for the unit group GL(R) of an arbitrary non-discrete irreducible, continuous ring R (in von Neumann’s sense), which entails that every element of GL(R) is both a product of 7 commutators and a product of 16 involutions. Combining this with further insights into the geometry of involutions, we deduce that GL(R) has the so-called Steinhaus property with respect to the natural rank topology, thus every homomorphism from GL(R) to a separable topological group is necessarily continuous. Due to earlier work, this has further dynamical ramifications: for instance, for every action of GL(R) by homeomorphisms on a non-void metrizable compact space, every element of GL(R) admits a fixed point in the latter. In particular, our results answer two questions by Carderi and Thom, even in generalized form.